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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Not even going to click on that one Jno.
Hope all is well with you and OH.
I had my flu vac this morning so am expecting to fall in a heap at any moment.
Hope the rest of you are well.
Morning all
Nice and bright atm.
I'm not opening that either Jno !
I think I had a reaction to the flu jab Woofy and felt a bit heapy for a while afterwards .
Hope you're all ok otherwise .
I still have the run of the house while I wait by the phone... I may go into the locked room in the east wing next, the one with the strange moaning noise at night. (And the spiders.)
right, woozy call from OH (on morphine, apparently), still wired up and under observation but has had two stents inserted - one artery was 75% blocked so just as well. No chauffeuring required till this evening but I shall remain by the phone anyway, just in case.
Hi all, well done jno's OH, am being very quiet for you.
I watched the fire, thought it was going to beva documentary but think I enjoyed it, love Charles Dance. Oooeer missus!
Finally cleaned under our king size bed, well I am ashamed, took ages but now all sorted and dust free.
I also have hhe run of the house, Mr N is at golf yay!
I hope things will be alright now Jno .That's a serious blockage . My eldest brother had stents in his early sixties and he lived to the ripe old age of 84. Best wishes to your OH for a speedy recovery.
Lol ,we must be the only ones who liked it then Neti .AB reviewers were not impressed although the Guardian was a bit kinder especially towards Daniel Mays .I saw someone on here wanting a synopsis of the story. I'll keep quiet :)
it has been OH's practice to race up stairs ahead of me then look back sternly at my more measured pace; but that has been put on hold the last month while I've been (marginally) the healthier one. But I suppose normal service will shortly be resumed.
Hi all. Pleased things are looking up for you and your OH Jno! I hope it gets better and better.
I didn't look at the spider link either Jno sorry.
I've had the busiest day. My floor man rang me and discussed my kitchen floor. Almost sorted and says he will have it done by the end of October. Then my decorator came and discussed my back boudoir which he is coming to do on Tuesday and Wednesday. Then my plumber came to sort out my chimney out behind my gas fire. Something fell down yesterday I was worried what it was. Anyway that's sorted. He brought his 2 little ones with him so I baby sat while he worked. Loved it! When they left my house still needed cleaning and tidying up again! I'm exhausted. Quite a lot of things I would like to watch tonight but I bet I'm fast asleep by half past early! Oh yes and I did a load of washing and that's still on the line. Better go and fetch it in before it gets dark.
Laters gaters zzzzzzzzzzz
Thanks for that link Shaney, I was a tad confused, didn't realise Mays was Pepys, don't really know why I bother, as I rarely follow things.
I am glad that your OH is sorted Jno. These things are worrying. I have turned out the dog cupboard and the under stairs cupboard and found a thousand kitchen rolls I didn't know I had. No rolls of fivers though.
OH is now trying to go cold turkey on the morphine and use nurofen as a substitute - apparently the procedure involved a line to the arm and was very painful. I'd have probably been demanding crack cocaine.
Tell OH not to be so stupid :)
OH seems okay now, pain is easing off (if was just because of a painful line that the morphine was needed). Still a little unnerved at having to sign a risk form on which one of the risks was DEATH.
Ha jno, when I started zumba I had to sign a disclaimer should I injure myself or die in the class!! I still went ahead!
I hope things will soon be alright Jno and you can race one another up the stairs Hope you have a peaceful night anyway .
oight oight all wishing you all a peaceful night.
Good morning all. Have a good weekend. Dad's 100th and The Rams play The Royals. That's my day sorted. NO HOUSEWORK!!!!!
Hello Jude, hello all, have a lovely day. Its grey here and I have got the post flu jab aches so wont be doing much.

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