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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Lol! Jno. I once sold a toy garage he had and he gave me a right 'rollocking'. So I daren't do anything with his stuff now.
I like the swish garden shifting gear .Mine consists of a couple of B&Q orange buckets :)
Not cold here at all .The wind has dropped and it's very quiet out there Forecast says a little rain tonight so hopefully gonzalo dumps it all well out to sea .Grantchester was good ,I love Tessa Peake Jones as the housekeeper...feet!
Oight all.

We are going to be sitting up watching junk TV tonight. Already the dogs are getting anxious, its amazing how they know.
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Morning all...Gonzalo is very speedy here and we've had hammering rain once this morning about 7am. Bright at the moment....please look out for dried mealworms heading east.
Woofy, maybe the boys get tinnitus/dizziness like I do when wild weather's on the way, bless 'em.

I remember the jno jnr statue...I've still got toys, cars and games in a cupboard which were played with from time to time when grandmonsters visited....after they left I almost cleared them out, Tarquin was always the 'no speak baby' one. How things change!
woo, whad'yaknow? There's one of these upstairs, it was given to the boys when they were very small... 'extremely rare'?! I wonder if it's 'buy Robi a swish dockside apartment' rare? :)
Practices... 'Oh no Tarquin, I threw that out years ago'...'Nooo, that went eons ago'....'No, the woodworm ate it'

looking very tropically stormy out there at the moment, wind howling, trees swaying, rain pouring... all spoiled a bit by the sun beaming down, but I suppose that's what happens in Nombre Dios Bay too.

Well, the statue of jno jnr was pretty rare too. a casting of one, which meant we couldn't check the price on eBay. If we'd left it out there it would probably have been blown away by now and be crashing through a roof in Belgium.
Oh Robi the fort, my bro had the same, I loved playing with it. It's in Oz now, must tell him.
Morning all. Mr N has instructions re the blind, but he " may not get round to it today'
Waiting to meet an old friend ( she with the husband with Alzheimer's) as she has a morning off he goes to centre.
Still incredibly warm weather here, I was hoping to meet Gonzalo!
Woofy did you get any sleep?
Morning all
Very blustery out there and absolutely lashing it down now.
Hold on to your hats !
Friend turned up 3/4hr late but considering the circumstances I didn't mind, but I was on the out, she is having such a hard time, the husband with Altzheimers is such a burden as he really doesn't know whats going on at all and she feels terribly guilty cos she wants to put him in a home, but it's only a day centre, I know I would Anyway we are meeting up for lunch next Tuesday as it's her one day off (he goes to the day centre).

Mr N brilliant chap that he is has erected the blind and it hasn't fallen down and works smoothly, also put the pulley on washing line, and cleaned the fluorescent light above the cooker, isin't it easy when on ha the right tools??

I want to eat somethig but there is nothing that I fancy?
Hello all, we watched junk telly for most of the night last night, the boys were worried but not panicky. Its still very windy here I think we will get some more kip. Laters all.
very blustery out there, our vessel was heaving and pitching it as we moored it off Port Tesco and headed for shore in search of pillage.
*** heatwave here just been in freezing pool. Am defrosring a mini pork pie which I've just remembered that I bought the other day. Am starving.
That word was D a m but spelt properly
I am going to see a silent film tonight about an earlier Falkland Islands battle

should be something a bit different. Besides, Admiral Fisher is historically important, as he is the first person known to have written OMG!, back in 1917

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OMG! A history lesson. :o/

I wish it was silent here, it's wet, wild and very noisy.
OMG and KBO ...
We had lashings of rain but atm it's bright and sunny. The wind is awful though .I've had to rescue the wheelie bin which was nearly on its way to Derbys and put bricks on the tete cover to hold it down.
Still windy here. Car is empty and clean ready for nice service man to collect it tomorrow. Goodness knows where all the junk in it came from.
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I did a bit more sorting/tidying today and found a packet of polos (still in date) and a lypsyl. Total value approx £1.50. #deepjoyload
Bong Bing Jno
Whispering Dan tonight BBC4 .Gothic architecture .

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