In the last couple of weeks, spam emails have been appearing in my ordinary inbox, 20 or 30 at a time. I know that I shouldn't open them from the spam box, but it doesn't seem to work from the inbox; often they are showing as 'opened' already. Could this be because they also go on to my phone? I've tried marking as spam, and deleting without reading them online, but I'm getting snowed under, and very cross. I'm with BT for email/broadband, and the phone is a Samsung Galaxy via Orange/EE
I just report as Spam (Yahoo) and any future emails from the sender just go straight into the Spam box. I still get about 60 emails per day in my Spam box; although I fail to see why they think that a 66 year old bloke is in urgent need of breast enlargements.
I think they're getting confused: I've had several 'can't be missed' offers for Viagra, and I'm old and female. It's quite funny, but it's getting to be a nuisance.