and here is the usual suspects on another thread
I am not a W-10 lover and this happens quite a lot
but the small window is suspicious and I would cancel and then try to use what it is pointing to - that will tell you you need a driver
I have installed a spoof driver and didnt like it much
W - 10 also updates regularly - hooray ! no boo-bloody-hoo
and after one - there was no W-10 update for my lexmark so I had to throw it away and get a w-10 compatible one. This is a planned for event by the rich and famous apparently makes Bill G richer and does you no good at all
after another update it had toggled the password switch - hey kiiiinky ! and I had to work out which password it was that it wanted - microsoft account actually before I could use it
and then how to untoggle it
according to the link I have given you
Togo finds W 10 queries so enervating and vapid and ridiculous
he hardly has the energy to read them ....let alone attend to them
anyway good luck