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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
There's not much anyone can say Neti. You have to bear the grief yourself. I'm just glad when it's time to go to bed so I can knock myself out with a couple of painkillers and a swig of brandy.
Family etc have been very supportive though and I've had lots of lovely messages from his old colleagues here and abroad. I get daily Whatsapp messages from the Germans.
My brother comes round and the other one phones and of course Picky is organising me especially with all the paperwork which has to be done.
Funny how the germans can sort out and close a bank account and transfer the money within a few days and the pensions people in Berlin can sort out the pension payments due to me really quickly but HSBC have frozen our bank account here and I've heard nothing for nearly a fortnight.Good job I'm not some poor old gal living on a basic state pension with bills to pay.
Yes Jno it's awfully lonely on your own in the house with the empty chair and you really don't need aggro from insurance companies.
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that's a shame, shaney, the one thing I didn't have trouble with was bank accounts, they all seem to have bereavement staff to deal with them and were very helpful. Nothing in HSBC though.

Neti, it's another heart op, much the same as the last one I think but approached a bit differently and hopefully more successful, we shall see. I will have to warn the anaesthetist to watch out for my crumbling teeth, one of them is wobbling vigorously.
My good wishes for your op Jno. Shaney things will get better but not quickly but that's not what you want to hear. Please be careful with the brandy and painkillers x
Big wave to Neti and her cats
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back home full of holes (lordy it's hard to do blood tests on me) but feeling okay. I felt okay after the first op too, but that faded a bit, so we'll have to see how it goes this time; the surgeon sounded more confident.
Fingers well crossed for you Jno. Huge waves to Shaney anf Neti and anyone else looking in.
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can't cross my own fingers at the moment, my right hand is all swole up. I got back to the surgeon and he said ah yes, we did have some trouble getting the cannelloni into the back of your hand while you slept. But he says it will go down and just to watch out for fingertips turning white, which they aren't.
Oh dear jno
What is going on?
I've had 2 episodes of being freezing cold and shivering so hard they Mr N had to hold me still!
Lasted an hour then I warmed up and it was over! Deffo shivering and not a fit!!
Mexico on Thurs!
Waves to Shaney and woofy
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oh, I had that once, neti, it turned to be some sort of infection, can't remember what but antibios cured it. Good luck with seeing the mexico
Oh blimey jno I dont want any of your illnesses , I couldn't cope!
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what doesn't kill me makes me weaker...
Wishing you both better soon. One of my tortoises has strayed out of the garden so I have been leafletting all around the neighbourhood snd hunting the garden on a daily basis. Its been nearly a week now, I fear she's gone permanently
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that's a shame, woofgang. How far can they go in a week?
Oh that's sad woofy
My mother's crawled into a sack of leaves but luckily was discovered before it was dumped.
Good afternoon Biddies. You won't recognise me. I've rejoined especially and only to be in touch with you. I will not be using AB for any other purposes anymore. I've no interest in it any more! I'm AK or LL and I seem to have lost my email contacts.

I was just wanting to wish you all well with your various medical and other problems. I especially wanted to express sincere condolences to Shaney for her sad loss. Sending love Shaney. I'm glad you have Picky to help you out. I don't know how I would cope without Mr K. He's my registered carer and he's brilliant.

My health and mobility continues to worsen. I had another bad fall recently and split my forehead open to the scull but I won't bore you with the details, except to say it iinvolved 30 stitches in total. The plastics team in Norwich are marvellous! The cat scan assured me I still had a working brain, but, in my opinion, it's somewhat rusty.

Love to you all. Not many of us now. ;0(, I'll be back.

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oh lordy, Oldcrow, watch where you go. I've fallen over a couple of times in the last few years - in the same flat-soled garden shoes on the same slippery surface, which may be a pointer to my ability to learn valuable lessons - and my knee still twinges frrom the last one. I hope your stitches heal up, though I know it takes a while because our healing genes switch off when we're over 20.
Fell forward and forehead met the pamment tiled fireplace right on the edge of the tiles. Blood everywhere. I'm on blood thinners!! Stitched up whilst blood still pouring. I was home alone! 15 internal stitches and 15 external. My problem is balance.

How you doing jno? Xx

Good job I always have a fringe. Lucky the hospital has a plastics department. The scar is healing well but I've cut through nerves and have dead patches that ma or may of heal.

Hope Woofie's tortoise has been found safe and sound.
May or May not heal!! The brain scan obviously missed problems!!
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oh, my balance is shot, I daren't shut my eyes when I'm in the shower because I start to wobble. The scar looks okay. My arms are black and blue thanks to the search for veins with something in them, but I think I'm okay; my heart has been told to shape up and touch wood I think it has.

Oh dear, we need a dedicated Ailments column.
We do indeed. I'm quite embarrassed by my medical records on file at the hospital! Good job it's all on computer. On paper it would be too heavy to carry! Speak soon. Glad I can ow catch up with biddies again. X

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