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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017

Oh deary me jno you sound just like me! All my food is on the nibbly side these days

I have two teeth that connect at the back on one side which I chew with but they are painful now. Front teeth are fine so I look ok but I think I am taking a risk by biting with them! Was quoted 3000€ for a 3 tooth bridge but I'd rather pay for a toothless funeral!

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I saw the jnrs today (3rd birthday party) and jno jnr was so worried he rushed out and bought me a loaf of soft white bread and some soft cheese, a Victoria sponge cake and a bag of Cheesy Wotsits that he thought I might be able to eat. (He was right.)

Is Baby O 3 years already? How sweet of jno jnr. I can just see you sitting there gumming your soft bread!

Well am on new phone. Can't work it out!

New laptop ordered  maybe tomorrow! 

And by 'eck its chilly !

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got a whole new dental plate today, so I now have six more teeth than I had yesterday - in fact some of them have been vacant lots for years. Saw the dentist in the morning, had impressions taken, and got phoned up to come and pick it up in the afternoon.

Not on the NHS, it goes without saying, they don't do instant jobs.

It's not great to eat with, I keep thinking food's getting under it, but I expect I'll get used to it.

Damn so it's just me that going to be gumming soft food this xmas? But we'll done jno such quick dental work!

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I'm still eating with care, neti, and I'm going to have to rinse after each meal. But I was okay today having a pizza with 3yo baby O after the Bluey Show. I had a thin-base one so it wouldn't all be so gooey and chewy. But I'm still going for implants straight after Christmas - it'll be months till they've bonded with the jawbone and I can have the crowns put on them, so I'll be wearing the plate till then.


I can't have implants as not a lot of bone in jaw! Send me the the teeth when you've done please!!

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oh that's a shame, neti. To a certain extent they can build up jawbone  by bulking it out with something or other, I needed it for one implant a while back, but I suppose you have to have a certain amount of bulk to start with.

Hello all
I'm not really in the mood this year but I can't let the side down so best foot forward and have put the tree up and a few other decorations. We got one of those pre lit,plug it in and switch it on ones when we had the Christmas lockdown,so that will have to do.   Mr S loved Christmas and he wouldn't want us to be miserable, but it won't ever be the same.Every year when we put the tree up he used to sing that funny German song about the bare Christmas tree and I'll never hear him do that again, and it breaks my heart.I expect these feelings will pass with time,but I wish I knew when.
On a more cheerful note ,whatever you're all doing, have a good Christmas and I shall raise a glass to you all, and to those no longer with us.
Let's hope for better things in 2024. World peace would be nice.
Look after yourselves and your teeth,keep as well as you can and love the ones you're with.
Shaney xx


Hello Shaney!

Am just trying to get new laptop up and running. Well what a palaver ! 

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I now have an 800-piece Lego movie camera to put together (that's probably more pieces than an actual movie camera).

I shall do it

Mr N and I are spending a night in a boutique hotel in the midst of Ibiza, it's different and exciting! Its a gift from hija. I love it!

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but do they provide you with feral cats there?

I know, a cousin once gave us a night at Hever Castle, where Anne Boleyn grew up. Very classy and we could stroll round the grounds day and night.

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oof, three teeth out and three implants in. The anaesthetic's wearing off and  I feel like I've been hit with a baseball bat.

Oh jno I am well jel but cba at my age! I need the dentist as need a filling and they ache!

Our night in Ibiza was really super. 

Now I just want to pit xmas all away and will gradually now!

Jno did you ever watch OFAH? You are like Trigger's 'original' broom!

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ha, yes I could be. I could really do with a whole new body, not just a bit at a time.

To all biddies near and far, Happy New Year 2024!

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