Hello to anyone who can help. I am not a whizz kid so please bear with me.
I recently bought an Acer Aspire 5044 laptop which is wireless ready/enabled. I have signed up to AOL braodband and received my free wireless router. I have followed all the instuctions on the set up disc and have created a wireless network name and password etc. The wireless light on the modem/router is on indicating a network (i believe).
I can only access the internet whilst the laptop is connected with yellow ethernet cable, now i maybe being stupid here but i just presumed i would just disconnect that cable and access the net via my wireless network but it just says limited or no connection available.
How can i get going on wireless, the whole reason i bought a laptop was so i could use it all around the house. Does my laptop need something plugging into it? Is it possible my cordless phone is interfering with it? I am struggling really, thought i'd inquire here before ringing AOL, is there possibly a setting that my provider needs to activate.
Thanks to anyone who can help, like i say i'm no genius.
Have you pressed the connect button that searches for the wireless connection.On my laptop it's the button next to the on/off button with a little triangle on it.
Do you you have an icon at the bottom of your screen that looks like a computer with radio waves around it?
If so then double-click it and follow the prompts. If not then your internal wireless thingy may not be enabled - ask your computer supplier for assistance.
At the very front of your computer is a series of plug connections - headphone jacks and so on.
To the immediate left of the first jack, more or less in the middle of the front of the laptop, is a long thin button. It looks like some kind of light.
Press this firmly - it is the button the connects and disconnects the wi-fi.
OK thanks everyone, i shall try all the suggestions, if i'm still not working i will have to get someone to have a look as i may have totally overlooked something vital.
Ethel, i have seen what you mean and didn't realise it was a button thanks.