Wireless network settings reset in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Wireless network settings reset

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NetSquirrel | 02:03 Thu 24th Mar 2005 | Technology
4 Answers

Whenever I reboot I find that my computer "forgets" how to connect to the internet.  Before I reboot the internet works fine and the wireless signal is strong, but as soon as Windows has restarted, the signal cannot be found.

Clicking on View Available Wireless Networks reports that there are no wireless networks in range, even though there definitely is one and 2 other computers are connected to it.  I have had no success in trying to find a hidden option somewhere that will re-detect the network - all I can do is use System Restore to go back a couple of days to where it was all working.  Once I have done this, the wireless signal from the router is detected and then all I have to do is make sure Network Authentication is set to Shared (instead of Open), enter the network key in and from there on it appears to work.

I don't really know what I'm doing...all I know is that I managed to cause this problem when I was trying to enable WEP encryption the other day.  I must have changed some vital setting somewhere on my computer that I did not change on the other two, but as what I was doing was largely trial-and-error, I don't know what this might have been.  (Sorry, this is probably not being very helpful.  I will try to take some screenshots if this will help.)

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I had a similar problem after rebooting. The solution for me was to do the following: - Right click My Computer..Select Manage...Left Click on Service and Applications...Left Click Services.... Double click Wireless Zero Config Properties...Select 'Disabled' under start up type...Click apply and ok.  I hope this helps.
What a coincidence, I just had a similar problem yesterday. do you have a linksys router? if so you can call them at1-800-326-7114 (toll free from us and canada). befor you do that you may want to check to see that the security settings, passwords and ssid are the same on both computers. you may want to change to the linksys option instead of windows zero configuration utility. that way you dont need to find a connection.
also, i was told that wpa pre shared key is the best one to use, this way you can create your own security code.

I've got a similar problem, but my problem is that when the computer tries to connect to the wireless modem, I have to click on Change Advanced Settings, select the Wireless Networks tab, and then tick the box marked Use Windows to Configure My Wireless Network Settings.

It then works OK, but I can't for the life of me work out how to get it to remember those settings.

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