I have a floppy disk with documents I was working on at my house's desktop computer; I then tried to use my floppy disk on a public library computer to do some work while I was using the library the other day, but when I tried to click on the doc, a message flashed up saying a virus had been detected and a message: 'WM97/Melissa-BE detected in document
Access to the infected file is denied'. Which must mean there is a virus on my home desktop computer; how can I get ird of it? Please help!
You're welcome Paul! And thank you so much for the links, I really appreciate it! I will check them out on my desktop when I get home (I'm in an internet cafe right now). Thanks again, really appreciate your help.
Paul, thank you so much for your help, the program you suggested has now cleaned the computer of all viruses! Thanks again, I really appreciate it. And I wish all the best to you and your friend.