Do any of you have an MSN? I have a little seceret about MSN but i can't share it at the moment. Anyway, just wondering if you preffered msn,myspace,facebook etc. Which one is best?
Oh come on, you know you really want to tell us, or else you wouldn't have posted this question. So what's the big secret? I have MSN but I don't use Facebook. I haven't used my Myspace for months because i'm locked out of it (password problem) but I do use Bebo and much prefer that.
Oh and what on earth is Ringo? Got an invite to join that from a friend but I wasn't happy with the terms and conditions about giving my consent for them to use my personal information, pics, videos etc in any which way they pleased and to pass to whomever for whatever purpose, so I rejected that offer. Haven't even heard of Ringo either.