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&Quot; instead of " quotation marks "

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SpiderPig | 12:11 Wed 03rd Oct 2007 | Internet
3 Answers
I'm sure this has been answered before, but I can't find it.

Can anyone explain in as non-technical a way as possible, how people can stop their typed " quotation marks " coming out as &Quot;

As you can see I don't have the problem, but I see many AB users do. It would be nice to be able to point them in the right direction to solve it.

Do they just need to update their browser. I understand it's a problem with HTML 3.2 ?


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Rather than quotes I tend to use the apostrophe on the @ key to get round the potential problem.
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Thanks for that Mattk - I'll advise people to do that !

Yes, you don't even have to capital shift for that, do you.
I had this problem, and used Mattk's system. But recently I noticed that many on the site did not seem to have any problem, so I tried again and everything works fine now.

Perhaps they have fixed the problem on the site, because enough have complained about it.

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&Quot; instead of " quotation marks "

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