Hello, I'm wanting to purchase some vitamin supplements from a website 'simplysupplements.co.uk' My problem is that once i got to make a payment phase I put my details in clicked on pay and a new page came up saying 'IF THIS PAGE DOES NOT REDIRECT IN 20 SECS YOU MAY HAVE JAVASCRIPT DISABLED, PLEASE RING THIS NUMBER TO MAKE YOUR ORDER 0800*******' The page obviously didnt change. Now, I am not to clued up on computers so dont fully understand what this means. I thought I downloaded Java, but its still saying the same thing when i try and make a purchase. So is Java script different to Java? And does anybody know the actual website to download Javascript? Sorry for my ignorance because i'm guessing this is a fairly straight forward thing to do ..............by the way the website looks pretty secure, with an address, contact no. decent returns policy, and it also has a secure lock on the page. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
If a page has java script on it, but jave script is turned off on your browser then depending on which browser you are using, you should notice a box appear just at the top right hand corner of the webpage. you can normally turn it on there.