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internet Explorer 9

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kloofnek | 15:53 Wed 16th Mar 2011 | Internet
9 Answers
I see we now have IE9,Do not know whether to download it or not.Seem to remember IE8 giving me problems when I first did eg; freezing etc.

So can anyone advise me on this subject please.


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What version of windows do you have?
It should turn up as part of Microsoft Updates. The one on FileHippo is probably a Beta version.
What is the rush?

I am rarely an "early adopter". I always allow others to download new software and get the pain.

Then after a couple of weeks, if no major problems have been found, then download it.

Its only a browser after all.
Having just seen your next question which states you have XP then it becomes a mute question.

IE9 will not run on windows XP.
I'm with VHG on this. I am still on IE7.
Is the general rule not to just download Firefox and use that and forget about IE?
You know .. many browser problems are not always caused by the browser itself .. more by the installation it is installed in.
Some of the infected PC's I've seen .. I'm surprised it ran at all!
Question Author
Desktop Windows 7
Laptop Windows XP

sorry did not get back to you sooner Chuckfickens

The only browser that is worse than IE7 is IE6. IE9 is a considerable improvement on IE7 and IE8, but I still use Firefox as first choice.

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