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Toshiba Laptop

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sprayermick | 09:55 Wed 27th Apr 2011 | Technology
3 Answers
A friend of mine has given me a Toshiba Satellite laptop, it's running Windows XP but there is very little on it however it takes forever to start up and even longer to close, whatever programs she has installed on it she no longer wants, my question is how do I clear it out without destroying the operating system and will this make it run faster?


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Impossible to answer with the information you've given.

If you give an exact model and specs (CPU and amount of RAM) then we can give you a good indication of if it will run windows OK with a clean install and point you in the direction to do that.
Search for a prog' called Ccleaner, download it, click on tools and see what is loading when you start up, simply take conrol of what you want to run when your laptop boots. Ccleaner is free btw.
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Thanks for the answers so far, and I will see if I can get that info chuckfickens,
however I did manage to install "malwarebytes" and so far it has found 59 infections
and is still running.

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Toshiba Laptop

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