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XP no longer supported by Microsoft

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rov1100 | 20:13 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | Technology
32 Answers
As software patches will no longer be available with the threat from future trojans or viruses is the use of this software wise for any user with important data or details on their computer?

Also as Internet explorer is part of the package would it be wise to move to another browser?


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that was written in 2009...
Your linked article was written in April to upgrade to Windows 7 now.
i think its wrong to cancel support at all...surely its up to the user what OS they use and like with most products you get support for a very long time afterwards...
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I think that was the original date but they have extended it until now.
wikipedia: extended XP support until April 8, 2014
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Yes I have just read that but its only for SP3
Extended support is prohibitively expensive. Only large companies can realistically afford it.
yeh and microsoft is so tiny...
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"IE5, IE6 or IE7 now is the time to upgade. IMHO It is too early to try IE9 beta. "


IE9 is not in beta, it's been out for some time now! and anyhow, it won't run on XP so not really worth mentioning on a XP related thread.

(and IE5?!?!?!)
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Thanks methyl
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As CF has said, you can safely ignore all the stuff methyl wrote about Internet Explorer...
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"there are more secure browsers on Windows XP platforms I have done my own research and stand by this statement. "

"Not tried it myself but no wonder we are getting calls about people who have failed to get IE9 running. "

Comprehensive research then!
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> but what if you have legacy applications

That's why Microsoft provide this:

> or cannot afford the upgrade?

I'm in the process of buying a new car. I would really have loved a Ferrari, but can't afford one - what do you suggest I do about that...?

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XP no longer supported by Microsoft

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