could one of you kind ABers out there explain the following scenario:
I pay for 8 meg broadband. BT tell me that my line gives me speeds of up to 8 meg. But every speedchecker i tried (five in all) says that my broadband speed is 0.8 meg. When i complained to Bt i was told that O.8 is a really good speed and that no computer could ever get more than 1 meg. Is this true or was that nice man in Mumbai just trying to bamboozle me?
You'll find that the 8MB speed quoted in all braodband providers is the download speed from the provider to you. Your speedchecker rate is the upload speed (ie from your computer), so the 8MB speed is from BT, and your upload speed of 0.8MB is good for a Home PC.
"You'll find that the 8MB speed quoted in all braodband providers is the download speed from the provider to you. Your speedchecker rate is the upload speed (ie from your computer), "
Why do people post answers when they have no idea what they are talking about?
Also .. if you are on BT copper, there are variations everywhere.
The only sure way is to carry out a measurement of data transfer.
This is the one I use ... Download speed test ..
Try both but they will probably be the same.
Be interesting to get a few feedbacks on what people here are getting using their tool.
hi everyone, just tried Speedtest again (it was one that i tried yesterday) and my download speed is up to 6.09 Bits per second and upload is 0.36.
this is a lot better.
thanks for all your answers
maybe Bt should consider employing you lot!!!