You will need a twin lnb to replace the single lnb that is on the end arm of your dish. Also twin cable to replace your existing single cable and 4 f plugs plus some clips to pin the cable to the wall. A twin lnb can be purcased for about £8 new from ebay. 15 metres of twin cable £12, 4 f plugs £2.00,clips £1.00. These are all guaranteed. You can even get 20 metres of cable, a quad lnb,8 f pugs and clips for only £15, all from one seller. This will give you an idea what you could buy them yourself, and a satellite dish cable installer should not charge you too much over these prices. Get 2 or 3 estimates. I got all my stuff fom ebay and was lucky enough to do the job myself. Sky is working great. Remember there are a few cowboys out there! Good luck.