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Mass Storage

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dmsjps | 00:07 Tue 10th May 2005 | Technology
7 Answers
My boss has asked me to order a 256mb storage device that you plug into your USB port (sorry, can't remember what they're called). However, we get CDs for pennies and they hold 700mb, so why does he want to spend �30 on one of these? I don't want to look stupid by asking him the question if there's a logical answer. Can anyone help?


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unless you by CD-RW then you can only write once on to CD. But with a usb storage device you can copy stuff on and off just as if it was part of the hard drive.

It's a lot quicker to copy on to also.

There is a logical answer! You meant a flash memory stick/ device. Dead easy to use, plug it in, and drag and drop what you want. No need for messing about with burning program or anythng like that. Transfering data or programs or anything is easy peasy, plug in and drag and drop again! Luv mine and its the best thing ive bought in ages. I havent burned anything in donkeys!

Plus you're not carting around cumbersome CDs (which are prone to getting scratched!) with you everywhere.
Maybe the computer at your work doesnt have a cd writer in it, so your not able to copy stuff done at your work onto a rewriteable cd. USB pens are getting cheaper all the time, well worth the small investment.
And it's your boss...just do it!
I would say the main reason I use mass storage is that I hate writeable CDs. They're worse than floppies. The slightest scratch...goodbye data!
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Thanks everyone for clearing that up for me. I just couldn't understand why he would want one - and I still don't because we do have CDRWs on every machine and we only use best quality CDRWs and if he gets a stack of formatted CDs he can still drag and drop rather than burn CDs.

PS: don't worry Kerplunk; it's all in hand and I didn't stand there and question him. Questioning is what I come to AB for instead!

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