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Start-up manager

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sam182 | 13:55 Mon 02nd Apr 2012 | Technology
2 Answers
I've just had a monthly report on my laptop from Norton, and it said a tip about some new Start-up items have been detected and to run Start-up Manager. Would this improve my computer's performance, as it has been runing very slowly recently and does it take long to set-up or very detailed?


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When you start up your computer obviously Windows starts up, but so do other programs as well (your anti virus or security software for example).

The problem is that more and more programs set themselves up to autostart, when they are not actually needed to be started. They set themselves to autostart so they perform quicker when you DO want to use them.

You can use this Stat up mananger to check which programs are autostarting and I presume stop some of them autostarting.

Note that if you are not sure what a program is or what it does then DONT stop it autostarting as it may be needed to get your computer working.
Sorry, forgot to mention that the more programs that autostart when your computer starts the longer your computer can take to start up, and the slower it can go.

As a general rule, the more programs that are running on your computer the slower it will go, so the more you can stop autostarting the faster it should go.

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