i have just opened my email - and as usual there was a load of stuff from sites im a memmber of etc and i didnt open them... then i went off for an hour..went back and a number of them have been read ... then a few minutes later another one went 'read' ...
i am thinking someone else is readig my mail just as i am!
i changed my pw and a site called
http://www.trueswitch.com ... as having had access to all my yahoo account.. i looked and it seems to be a mail forwarding company!!
now normally in this circumstance your frst suspicion would be your partner - they would have most reason to snoop - however my boyf not only has no computer he would not have the slightest idea how to do anything like this - he cannot use them. doesnt have a facebook etc and i have to set up anything online for him, so pretty sure its not him.
is this something random? done by scammers do get into your emails and look for bank info etc?
the emails they were looking at were mostly bumpf and unimportant...
or is there some other way i could have accidentally opened them?
its all a bit odd