In severe weather such as we are having at the moment I lose the signal.Could not Sky invest some of their vast profit to reduce this problem,I know we dealing with elements we have no control over,but it is 2012.
If you read my post again boxtops you willl see that I am aware of the cause and at this moment there is little sky can do,what I am asking is for research into the problem and a posible answer.
How would they "reduce this problem"? Using a satellite to receive ANY signal leaves you exposed to the elements. It is the nature of the beast. You may as well be asking if Sky can make the sun less hot!
Is it really that big a problem? I’ve had sky for over 10 years with a standard dish and have lost the signal only a handful of times when the weather was really bad. Perhaps it’s worth your while getting your dish properly re-aligned? Or getting a bigger one as suggested? Or switching to cable? Or using Sky Go to watch over your internet connection? Or using freeview? Or just moaning because the one thing you’ve tried isn’t always perfect.