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Bridge Cameras

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Picklelilly | 14:07 Thu 15th Nov 2012 | Technology
3 Answers
I'm thinking of investing in a camera which will do a bit more than my compact point and click, but dont want to go down the route of a big heavy camera with huge lenses.

Has anyone tried one of these Bridge Camera's which seems to be the perfect compromise ....


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Yes, I've had a Panasonic Lumix FZ38 for a couple of years - does exactly what I want, very well. Take a look at these:

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That's great ... thank you very much !
Yep - got a very good Sony HX1 - if I can't be bothered lugging the big Nikon DSLR about I grab the Sony & often get just as good pictures - not quite the same ultimate quality, but the flexibility of the 20x lens compensates for that.

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