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Sony Vaio Screen Brightness?

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netibiza | 08:05 Thu 15th Aug 2013 | Technology
5 Answers
MY screen doesn't seem as bright as it usually is. I've gone into control panel and it is as bright as poss but really not what it was. I can still see everything but it's annoying. The computer is 8 months old. Is there something I can do, is there something I have undone inadvertantly?


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computer power plan setting? (also via control panel)
Turn off the "automatic brightness" settings - this may help.

Auto brightness detects when you've got light near you, so the screen needn't be so bright.

(This is a guess!)
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Thanks both, have done but still the same, it's jsut slightoy dimmer than it should be. (So am I apparently!!)
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^ what? sorry I've only been drinking fizzy water.
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Just to update you , I finally had to "restore" my computer and screen is back to original brightness.

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Sony Vaio Screen Brightness?

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