At present I connect my PC to my BT Router directly, ie with a cable, as the PC is quite old now and doesn't have a WiFi card. But I need to move the PC to another part of the house. What is the best way that I can still have the PC access the router ?
Put a wifi card into the PC, or can I get something that simply plugs into a spare USB socket, which can then use wifi to access the router ? It isn't really possible to move the router around the house and I am loath to open the PC up and install a wifi card ( although, if that is the only way, I suppose I could do it )
Mikey, if you've never opened your PC up before it would do it good to open it and clean the fans while you insert the WiFi PC card. You'd be surprised the difference it will make.
Thanks...Perhaps opening it up and fitting a WiFi card might be the answer. I am still a bit nervous fitting the card that easy ?
Will it obvious where this card should go ? Will I need to anything else, apart from just putting the card into the slot ( sorry for treating you like a free PC World !)
Actually I now remember that I did open it up about 3 years ago, and you are right, there was quite a lot of dust around in there.