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nelliebee | 12:45 Mon 10th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
Is waterboatman o.k or have I missed his posts? Anyone know?


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Nellie, just for info, If you click on someones avatar, including the jellymen, it will bring up their profile and tell you when they last posted anything.
13:14 Mon 10th Mar 2014
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05:45 Mon 10th Mar 2014
He's fine..I'll email him with your concerns....x
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Thank you all.

He was on the GMEBs thread this morning
Email sent with link...I'm sure he'll be tickled !

Nellie, just for info,
If you click on someones avatar, including the jellymen, it will bring up their
profile and tell you when they last posted anything.
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Thank you all. "Should have gone to specsavers !!"
Just join us on GMEB - from about 4.30ish (sometimes later, sometimes earlier) until 8am ish.......
he went out for lunch yesterday, i think, and managed to get back for this morning's thread. probably gone out again now.
Just spoke with Boaty..he's No deid !
your cold better murraymints?
Just to prove minty is correct; yur oi do be! :o}

Nell I'm alive and kicking, the geezer I'm kicking will be pleased when i stop! Come and join us in the morning nell xxx It will be good to see you. ;o}
fraser you won't get a reply from minty, her oh has just come in while we were talking. The way she shot off... I'll leave it to your imagination! ;o}

I can confirm that after a good sleep she is feeling much better now.
trying to sweat the cold out!!!!
Does one have to have a special 'Boarding Pass' to join all the shipmates who are sailing with the early morning thread. ? I often read the postings and have wondered about what would happen if a foreigner walked up the gangway.

Oi you two ! I'm making chicken salad not whoopee !..
Hans, you'd be made most welcome x
Chicken salad is Edinburgh talk for whoopee :-D'd be very welcome.....bring a lifebelt....water wings... and a bottle for messages home....preferably red and a good vintage.....xx

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