I have, at last, moved from a desktop to a laptop....and I wonder why I resisted the move for so long.....I would like to give the desktop away, but am aware that all information should be deleted. Is this a simple operation or do I need to call a technician, and, if so, how long would the process take. I would also have liked to transfer some programs to the laptop.
Any comments and/or advice are welcome.
sorry for slight delay in answering......flooding in the conservatory.....
many thanks for your replies.....especially to The Builder.....for the link.I shall first make sure that I save and transfer what I want to keep....
methyl, it would have been far quicker and more helpful to simply ask for whatever information you deem so important. we're not all of a technilogical bent.
right. if you use that disc-wipe thing, does it render your computer inoperable, as it were.
I have some software which I bought from PC World called 'Transfer your PC'. IT'S A COUPLE OF DISCS nd it does the job for you. I bought mine years ago, so they may have changed the name. Go to PC World and ask/ have a look.