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What Is Timeout On Android?

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netibiza | 16:49 Thu 04th Sep 2014 | Technology
892 Answers
I have a spanish phablet, leotec Pulsar and in the notification bar there appears a couple of timy circles which is timeout, what on earth does this mean, I have googled and read (in Spanish) the instruction manual but absolutely no clue. Thanks if anyone can help!


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Morning all Nice day ,bright and sunny earlier but turned a bit hazy now. It's not exactly heatwave temps either as they say in the papers. That Billy Connolly prog is very good.I enjoyed that. I hope it'll get better at some stage Neti.I'm a bit cheesed off it with all to be honest.
11:43 Sun 03rd Apr 2016
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Took ages in the hairdressers and it's awful, wish I could find my little chinese man! Have changed the bedding, sponged the carpet where Mr N dropped ice cream cake and now I feel dizzy so sitting down and having a cuppa.
Hello all
Dreary old day ,raining .
Oh no not a dead dishwasher woofy ...nearly as bad as a dead washing machine.I pray to the god of kitchen appliances whenever I switch stuff on these days as some of mine are getting to be museum pieces.
Hope you're all ok .I love the PG Tips monkey Robinia.
Well,in or out ?
I've told Mr S. that he'd better slowly start packing his stuff together :)
ah, it's a tough old time for us economic migrants, shaney, coming over here to bleed the NHS dry (and I have probably taken more than my fair share of pills) andplunder the befit system.

Well, I shall shortly be retreating to my rugged coastal lair to sulk, woken up by the wolves howling and the rain lashing

and being overwhelmed a daily tide of impoverished humanity
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Looks like where I live jno.
Oh dear if it's Brexit will I be forced to return to live in the UK? I probably wouldn't mind but Mr N would hate it.
All the old brits here are panicking about it, we are not as we livedhere before EU and Mr N works and pays into the system and we do not get free health care or meds as the other old Brits do. There might be some nice villas going begging soon!
Mr N made a delicious Putanesca spag for dinner, way better than anything I make :-( so I washed up and cleaned the floor, had a hot bath (I love baths) and am now ensconed in a lovely clean bed with black sheets, not a good choice with the duckfeather bootees I am wering as the feathers are seeping oouit through the seams and they show up on the black!!
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Shaney can Mr S vote in the EU election? We can't as have been out of the country for longer that 15 yrs, in fact we cannot vote anywhere for anything apart from the local mayor. Definitely something racial, ageist and whatever going on here!!!
Hello all. New dishwasher coming tomorrow. That’s us living on value beans for a while. Also main computer is still mucked up from that piece of computer kit I mucked up that the wireless keyboard can’t talk to it so I have got to buy a plug in keyboard to get in to fix it, which further means that I can’t set up the new printer (do not ask). Heigh ho, first world problems I know.
Are you off on your hols then Jno ?
Looks very nice and relaxing ,have a lovely time.

Don't panic Neti ,nobody's going to chuck you out.
Mr S can't vote in the referendum obviously or for anything else only local elections but if we do come out life could become difficult with having to go back to residency permits it used to be when he first came here 40 years ago. No use worrying in advance though.
We could always sell the mansion and go back to Germany and shove two fingers up at 'em all:)
He's busy emailing the Germans about his refugee status
Oh no not computer probs Woofy .Hope you get sorted .I'm a total duffer with anything like that.
Night all.
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Good morning all. 9am and am having a cuppa in bed. Chilly
I'm not worried Shaney, but you have reminded me now odd having to get Residential permission every 2 years, although I doubt that will happen here as we are RESIDENTS WITH CHARACTER PERMANENT,. Why hasn't Mr S got British Nationality being married to you, he could have dual.
I do rather feel that as long term residents (45yrs) we should get to vote in National elections also etc and have a say in what goes on, we pay our taxes and do everything they tell us too!
well, a nice drab morning on which to head for sunny LA for a stopover. I should be back well before the referendum so I have high hopes of being allowed in.
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Oh get you jno, off to LA indeed.
It's 5° here which is coolist!
There are white feathers all over the house, bed is full of them, have quickly hoovered them up, guess there aren't too many left in the bootees by now. :-(
Hello all
Wild and windy out there again.Raining on and off but in my imagination I'm flying to LA with Jno:)
Hope you're all ok.
Neti ,Mr S didn't want to give up his German nationality.I suppose if a push comes to a shove he could apply for British citizenship though and then get a British passport but it's a lot of jumping through hoops.
A'noon all...wild and windy here too. It isn't doing anything to calm my tetchy mood which I'm putting down to the full moon today. It's probably responsible for high tide in my sinuses too.

Have a good time jno but isnt LA a long detour to get to Skeggy?

No good worrying about the EU. I tend not to talk politics, half of it I don't understand and for the part that I do some of my views are a tad extreme, even my sister laughs...and I'm not a violent person but for a few I'd make an exception. I'm just glad I'm no younger but I'm scared of being old.

Last Vera tonight.
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Won't affect you Robinia but we have to wonder about ourselves. I don't think we have much to worry about.
Someone should tie a big rope around us and tow us south, it might be warmer. Scotland can stay where it is if they insist, just saw us off. :)
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Hahaha Robinia, keep away we don't want all those benefit scroungers!
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We had a lovely lunch in the country. We went to one of usual places by mistake as they have all the roads up and it was one way so that's the way we went! Gorgeous huge goat cheese salad and then omelette and 9 fresh kamb choos with chips and veg
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Posted too soon. Lots of veggies too a bottle of red plonk and lemonade and free fresh doughnuts to finish. Then we had to drive up to the north of the island to finally get back home. We listened to Bob Dylan's birthday Desire which was from our courting days ahhh
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Bob Dylan's birthday??? that'll be the plonk typing!
Hmmm...sure you weren't courting when Greensleeves was No1 neti?

legs it ..........>
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well I was Robi but not with Mr N shhhh!!

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