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fuggy | 15:12 Tue 30th Sep 2014 | Technology
18 Answers
What are these badges on my profile? The only badge I ever had was from the OValteenies fan club. Have I just given my age away?


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Oh no! There'll be a big fight now. ;-(
And , yes, my gran told me about the Ovalteenees. ;-)
You've probably got them because you can tie knots; light a fire without matches; roast a chicken; and save someone from drowning.
I've got millions of Best Answers and 3 badges. ;-(
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I was'nt telling the whole truth, I was also a member of The Muffin the Mule fan club and life. And a few years later life was nothing without Little Richard.
They're pretty self explanatory what they're for aren't they?
My friend got a Blue Peter badge a million years ago. That was his claim to fame.
Does this help?
i've made a note in my diary not miss my friday the 13th badge next february

I had lots of Golly badges from Robertson's jams but alas they are no longer in vogue.
@Obiter.....Nowadays if you wore a Golly Badge you would risk being taken to Court for offensive behaviour of a racist nature.

Incidentally, last month, I asked about AB Badges. :-

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I have only ever seen 1 Blue Peter badge, this was worn by a female tramp as she pushed her belongings through the city centre. I wonder what she got that for?
Muffin the Mule?

I thought that was an illegal practice!
I think I got a badge for being in the Tufty Club
//Muffin the Mule?

I thought that was an illegal practice!

Yes, and I thought that that was a 60 year old joke.

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