Length of text messages in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Length of text messages

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scoobysoo | 14:31 Tue 13th Sep 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
Hi. I have a Nokia 6610i, and can write fairly lengthy texts within a single message. My phone is broken at the moment and am borrowing a pal's Sharp GX20, and nearly every message is 2 or 3 messages long! I'm not writing more! Does the amount of text per message alter according to the model? If so, this is going to cost me a fortune!!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I think the length of a text message is a set amount for anyone.

It is probably just a case of this new model is letting you know it is more than one message whereas the nokia probably didn't. Therefore you would have thought is was all one message even though it wasn't
This is true - new nokias just run two messages together seamlessly. The limit for a single SMS is 160 characters.
personally i think it is stupid.

I agree with the concept of being able to just continue typing, rather than having to send part of a message, then type and send the second etc.

But surely they should tell you you are starting a second, third etc message!!!

My Sony Ericsson k700i tells me when i am starting a new message, and I am very glad that it does!

Sorry - I am not a nokia fan to say the least, but that argument has been done to death, so i wont continue :)
Nokia phones do let you know how many messages you are using.  When type the humber at the top right of the screen, e.g. 72/2, lets you know how many characters you have left in the current message and how many messgaes you have used.  72 characters remaining, 2nd message.  What could be easier?

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