I'm curious to know why you leapt to labelling part of dieseldick's setup as "illegal", as he didn't cue you with that information, at least not in this thread. Was this a deduction, based upon his description in OP or something you've picked up from his past threads?
I would like to stress Methyl's point, as there seems to be some misconception of HDMI cable, as if it were similar to (the purpose of) HF aerial cable. It is not. It carries a single information stream, in digital form, to assure high fidelity. You cannot 'tune channels' through it.
In order to tune a TV, it has to be hooked up to an aerial or a satellite dish, or you can hook it up to your router and, after some configuration*, use it like a computer terminal, to access streamed online content.
* sadly you will have to read the manual to get this part right.
In the (unlikely) event that you have paranoid router security settings, remember to set permissions for the TV's IP address to access the internet.