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Laptop To Tv

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Old_Geezer | 08:18 Mon 25th Apr 2016 | Computers
5 Answers
My woman wished to get her laptop vision/sound to come for the TV. I checked out what there was on the Net and advised I'd found cables that would convert her VGA and earphone socket to HDMI, and also HDMI to HDMI cables; so we could try them to see if they worked.

They came this week and I've just tried them. First cable also includes an USB lead and I assume that is to supply power ? I plug the second cable into the first and to the TV HDMI-1 socket, and then change the 'source' to it. All it shows is a blue screen. Out of curiosity I change the TV 'source' to HDMI-2 and it clearly is trying to show the laptop screen except that it isn't stable but all smeary. Totally unreadable/unviewable.

Again out of curiosity I swopped around the HDMI-1 and HDMI-2 and the same thing happens the other way around. The unconnected port sees the data but smears it out and flickers. The used port displays a blue screen only.

Any thoughts on what might be the cause of the blue screen ? At present she seems to have paid out for two cables that don't do the job and yet look as they they should.



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Update (I always rush these threads out too quickly when stumped).

Just tried connecting to the portable and it works ok. Looks like a TV issue, unless there is something I need to do differently on different TVs.

anyone any suggestions/thoughts ?

has the laptop not got a hdmi outlet O\G ? i thought they all had unless its very old
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No it hasn't unfortunately. However it seems I've narrowed it down to the TV having issues. It seems to have it's ports 1 and 2 transposed !? And can not sync the picture properly either.

To my surprise I did spot that the TV has a VGA port. I can't find a male VGA to male VGA cable but might go purchase one and try that. Trouble is there is a feeling of throwing away good money after bad. Not that the cables seem to be the issue, but they aren't going to be usable with that TV.
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Cheers. Unfortunately I don't anticipate being in a position to try anything for about a fortnight. But I'll bear it in mind.

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