When I switch it on I am now getting a little picture of a small white square with an O on it and a little white envelope half hidden behind it then a figure1. It is directly underneath the date , in the centre and directly above the window icon. Please has anyone any idea what it is, (and how to get rid of it)? I have looked all over the phone but no luck.:0(
Can't see it here, https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/mobile/support/product/lumia630/smartguidance/?action=singleTopic&topic=B-GUID-8BF0ED64-60AD-4DC3-9EC1-2142C4AF5182-8_10_1 Do you have a picture ?
Thank you for replying O.G.when I didn't get any answers I sat down with it again and found that it was a message in Outlook about 'Changes to storage' so glad it is sorted, but thank you again for your help. :0)