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sivam | 09:02 Mon 29th Aug 2016 | Technology
16 Answers
Since yesterday answerbank freezing No problems with any other site. Windows 10 firefox which is usually brilliant. Any help thank you
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I clear my browser every week.I don't think this is a browser issue as it happens on Firefox simultaneously with Chrome.
09:18 Mon 29th Aug 2016
It's a regular thing on AnswerBank,luckily it only lasts a couple of minutes.
Can you spot anything particular happening on the page?
Ed. The message is usually " connection has been broken"
For example, a particular advert?
That seems like a browser issue, but I'll have to check.
Clearing browser history/cache usually solves these issues.
I clear my browser every week.I don't think this is a browser issue as it happens on Firefox simultaneously with Chrome.
Sorry, I mean it's at the brower end of the equation, not that the browser is at fault in particular.
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Typical. It hasn t happened since I posted. Thanks forall your replies. Ads mainly Currys and World Gallery which have not been a problem in the past. Fingers crossed.
ED. Today 30/8/16 connection was lost three times between 8.55am and 9,5 am.
Yes, problems for me too this morning. A few times , after waiting over a minute for questions to open, I had to log out and in again to make any progress
Same as FF for me this morning, on and off.
I clear my cache at least twice a day and use Chrome, but I have noticed over the last month that some posts take well over a minute to submit after I press 'submit'
The other weird problem is that in the last few days when I click on a post from the Latest Posts box I am sometimes taken to a completely different thread- usually one of my subscribed threads from weeks ago
Well, that's a bit of a mystery!
(I'll have a look to see what's going on - could you let me know as soon as it happens next time FF, that way we can look at your user logs)
Ed the loss of connection usually happens around 9am.

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