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Dvd Will Not Open

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Khandro | 16:34 Fri 28th Apr 2017 | Technology
4 Answers
I have a DVD (language course) which used to work when I had earlier versions of Windows, but now I have W10 might be the reason that when I try to open it I get the message, "Unsupported Configuration - your screen resolution is not supported. Try using a different setting"

Any ideas what I can do to access it please?


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If the software on the DVD doesn't like your screen resolution, try altering it.

Right-click on your desktop and select 'Display settings'. Change the resolution to something which older software might have been designed for (such as 1280 x 1024), click 'Apply' and try to load the software again. [NB: Don't panic if your screen goes totally blank for a second or two after selecting 'Apply'. It's perfectly normal. You've not broken anything!]
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Chris, I have gone to 'Display Settings' but don't see an option to change the resolution.
I'm not using Windows 10, so I'm having to rely on Google results. However it looks like (once you've got into 'Display Settings') you'll need to click on 'Advanced Display Settings':
You should then find what you're looking for.
Right-click a clear area of the screen and choose Resolution

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