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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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you probably just thought of the price of crowns, Robinia, they'd make anyone's head spin.
hello same old same old here. very humid, too hot even to potter.
Good morning. Am up and out early. Our bank changed hands and they didn't change all the direct debits so after reading a fee phone calls I am now eunning aeound various offices, water, town hall, gas etc to change the bank details. One left to go. Then have to meet friends for coffee.
Hope you are all surviving!
what a nuisance, neti, the banks should do all that for you. Then you could go straight from bed to coffee shop.
nice builder plumber man has been in touch without prodding and expects to be back tomorrow which is good news. cooler here today....might get some ironing done.....
ah me, OH is back in hospital for the night with suspected fluid retention, having developed a fat tummy (but scrawny everything else) since the Internal Rearrangement Op. I did suggest contacting them a couple of weeks ago, because the tummy looked odd, but OH didn't, for fear of what they might want to do about it; and by delaying made the situation deteriorate (as it's now got painful).

It's the third time OH has dithered and put off seeing anyone this year, and each time it's just got worse. Sometimes I just want to beat my head against a brick wall. In fact they aren't sure it is fluid retention so there will be tests and more tests tomorrow :-(

With luck it'll just be tablets to take.
I'll try again.
Poor OH jno. Is it scar tissue? I have a very thin friend who had an emergency appendectomy last summer and now her stomach is huge so she's waiting to go to hospital again but only emergency ops are being done now til mid Sept as things get nasty in this heat!
I don't know, neti - apparently there are lots of possible causes so they have to eliminate them. One test done yesterday, two today, no smoking gun found yet. I should think it will be a day or three more before OH returns, and I don't know if this will delay the start of the chemo.
oh jno so sorry. It must be frightening for you both.
Good afternoon....

Oh dear jno, that's rotten. I can see both sides, your OH's reluctance and fear, and your exasperation. When you're ill I think you just have to surrender yourself to the medics and tell them the truth. Hope all goes well.

It was a fresher morning but a very muggy afternoon. I've been snipping...or I should say snapping....dead stuff down. Came in to see I'd come out in some hideous rash up my arms but looked closely and realised it was canterbury bell seeds. :)

they seem to have sorted out what the problem is, though not what to do about it. During the op they managed to rupture a vein, so they had to transplant one from a, er, cadaveric donor.

(This is one reason OH is wary of doctors, the rupture means a lifetime of warfarin, except when having chemo, which doesn't work with warfarin so it has to be replaced by daily self-injections of anticoagulants, which OH loathes doing.)

Anyway, it's getting clotted and not doing its job properly, so fluids are getting fuddled. It should sort itself out but they have to find out how to manage it in the meantime.

Bodies, eh?
Oh dear jno. Doesn't sound a lot of fun. Maybe pig vein or plastic would be better. I do hope it gets sorted and soon.
well that's not good but not the worst it could have been....
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Morning all
I'm sorry to hear this Jno. I can understand not liking the self injecting but if that's what it takes then means must etc.I had to inject Mr S for after his op because of blood clotting.Frustrating for you both getting a setback like this and and I hope they can get things under control.
Nothing doing here .Everywhere is as dry as a bone.We badly need some rain.Hope the rest of you are all ok.
shed is being dismembered today. I don't have to do a thing. Good job as back is giving me gyp again.
Oh woofy that gave me a fright. I read "she is being dismembered today "!!!
I have been out filling up cracks in the lawn again, and it's very hot in the sun; but for real excitement I will have my tooth extracted this afternoon. Not much of a tooth, just the root, which won't make it any easier.
shed is gone! new shower tray and screen have arrived and we progress
tooth is gone too! But it was a battle royal. I am going to be knocking back ibuprofens when I de-numb, I can tell.
glad tooth is gone. Sorry it was so difficult though.

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