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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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We had lunch on the seafront at a tex mex. Was very nice but way too hot and I had to stagger home in the blazing heat.
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And he looks so dapper in his waistcoat :)
I remember when he missed the penalty back in '96 against Germany in the Euro tournament and he was so upset and Terry Venables consoled him.I think he's finally laid that ghost to rest now.
Morning all. Had a rotten nights sleep. My hip was acting so much, couldn't get comfy. Slept from 8.30 to 9.25, still I have nothing important to do. Just nip (haha) to village to get a card and small pressy for sister to post tomorrow.
Hope you all fared better than I.
It's flaming hot and full of biting flies.
we are going through a cold spell, temperatures in the mid 20s instead of high 20s, but it should pick up again later in the week. No biting flies but biting ants instead. That usually only happens when there's rain on the way, but I think they just do it sometimes because they want to annoy me.
much cooler here today (low 20's) and forecast to be slightly cooler again for the rest of the week. This morning after a horrible restless night, the dogs and I had breakfast, looked at each other and went "sleeeeeeep" so we all curled up and woke up about an hour ago feeling all the better for it.
Watching Ralph Christmas at Wimbledon. I do like him but his twitches are beyond ridiculous!
Good day. Am so happy and relived that the 12 Thai boys and their coach are rescued. I really dreaded a mishap. I can't believe it.
Going shopping on Thurs with Mr N to choose kitchen cabinets. Now the arguments will start!
hello, another comparatively cool day here so we are having another comparatively sleepy day. I have done a bit more shed boxing up and a bit more tidying and put a mountain of food into the tortoise pen. The heat is making them really hungry.
it warmed up here in the afternoon but there was still a chilly breeze. we were expecting a friend this evening and she tuned up at 2, before we'd even got going with our tidying, so I suppose we will have to live in shame for ever, though perhaps we fed her enough Pimms to soften her heart.
Morning all, a tad fresher here too. I think I've turned into a tortoise, despite my griping insides I want to snack all the time and, far from being kept awake, I could sleep for England. According to accu we could have a shower about 4pm...we'll see. Had to smile at yesterday's forecast, Weather - wonderful. Hair day - unlikely. haha

It's a thumbs up for Gareth S from me too. If there's a trend for men in waistcoats/suits this winter I'll go back on hrt, I do love them. :)
I've watched very little tennis this year, I'm disappointed Andy's not playing. I don't like Nadal and Djokovic and so tired of the Williams sisters.

Lol neti, everytime I go to a diy store I hear couples bickering or one wanders off leaving the other talking to themselves. I just talk to myself all of the time.

Time for tea and a tstd teacake.....and I'm back on proper lurpak, that lighter variety was horrible.

Hi Robi.
I watch little Wimbledon too but love Rafa as he's a local lad. Sick of footy and want France to win as am sick and tired of mindless hooliganism and behaviour of the Brits. I don't actually feel British at all. So will hide away in my casa tonight and cheer for Croatia.
Nah I've changed my mind but I really don't care who wins but had better cheer for England.
you needn't have bothered, they weren't really good enough, though they tried hard and have a nice manager.
Good day. Choosing of kitchen furniture is going ok atm. All very friendly and civilised.
good morning, Jno had you thought of going into sports journalism?
Neti I sympathise...when we had the kitchen done, all the decision making drove us bonkers.
I cheered for Croatia. I am a turncoat and a traitor!
All done and painless. I just sat there and chose colours. Mr N and the salesman did it all in a computer. Very impressed. Delivery not until Aug 20rh the day I return from UK!!
Last night I was at Barry Manilow's house and he cooked a delicious Shephards pie. Then we ate his pet pigeon! Dont ask!!!
so he was giving you the bird, neti?
more severe thunderstorm warnings for central and southern again tomorrow, but East Angular should still be basking. It is clouding over already.

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