Crosswords1 min ago
Browser Issue On Ipad
12 Answers
I use chrome on my ipad ios9.3.5 which there is no longer any updates for and when I visit some sites it comes up that chrome isnt compatible and I have to download the latest version of chrome which I cant do as my ipad is 9.3.5 not 10 upwards. I tried firefox, safari, google and I have the same issue! Is there a browser that I wont have these issues with or does it mean Im nearing the end of my ipad? tia
Zacs, Ipad 1 & 2 (at least) can't update past 9.3.5 as per the OP, so in answer to the OP then yes if you need those sites then you probably are at the end of life of the iPad
10:09 Tue 06th Feb 2018
This one claims to work with 9.3.5
https:/ /itunes .apple. com/us/ app/per fect-we b-brows er/id31 7836614 ?mt=8