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Caran | 19:37 Sat 06th Jul 2019 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
What do they mean? casualty will be shown at a later stage.
Tennis on both channels at the same time. I am fuming.


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Loving it!!!
Brilliant match !! only have two channels?
Fuming? Really?
Not bothered. Not watching either of them.
It always happens so I wasn't at all surprised.
I know what you mean. Not everyone wants to watch tennis
...not everyone wants to watch Casualty, either...
Had TV set for Casualty but no - more damned tennis. Why does it have to be on BBC1 and 2, not everyone likes it.
"Not everyone wants to watch Casualty either" Yes, I`m aware of that but we all pay the same money towards the BBC
I have more that two channels, where can I find Casualty please?
Knew as soon as I saw it was Murray, Casualty wouldn't be shown.
iplayer tomorrow, Gness.
Thanks, Ummmm....I thought Ginge was telling us we could find it elsewhere if we had more than two channels....perhaps it was to tell us to watch something else in case we were under the impression we had to stay glued to the tennis.... ;-)
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Ummmm are you saying Casualty will be shown on iPlayer tomorrow?
So who were the casualties today then ?
Looks like it'll be next Saturday that it's next on tv.
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Thanks tonyav.
EE wasn't on as usual last night but was on iplayer this morning.
Infuriating that they were showing the SAME match on both channels when Casualty should have been on.

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