Hello, I have bought a windows laptop, I have transferred my itunes library to an external hard drive as I dont want to clog up the new laptop with all my tracks, I have installed itunes on my new laptop but cannot see how I get the tracks from the external hard drive to play on it, I've looked at a few 'how to'guides on YouTube but none of them work.. I'd be grateful for any direction. Thank you
From 'Hold down the Option key on a Mac or the Shift key on Windows and launch iTunes. Hold down that key until a window pops up asking you to Choose iTunes Library...' nothing happens at all
Got a little bit further after tinkering and have got to 'When you find that folder (on a Mac) or a file called iTunes library.itl (on Windows), click Choose on a Mac or OK on Windows', I can see the hard drive with iTunes on it, there are 5 folders, Automatically add to iTunes, Downloads, Mobile Applications, Movies and Music, I can see under all that is an empty box with file name and then iTunes Library files (*.itl), but there is no OK button, only open