I was checking through my junk mail this morning and found an email telling me that they knew my password and it actually showed my password in the email.
I immediately went to try and reset it and was asked for another email address to contact me with. I didn't have one so created one. I then got a security code which I entered and had to answer some security questions which I did. I then received an email in my new account telling me to wait 24 hours for the password to reset.
Is it normal to have to wait 24 hours? I need access now as I'm waiting for confirmation of a holiday I've booked!
My colleague reckons its phishing but I juat want to know if its normal to wait 24 hours for a password reset. When I've reset other passwords it takes no time at all.
Every now and again I get one telling me they know my email is something based on Jose Mourhinio They are miles out. It's just a phishing expedition- they are aware of the 10-20 most popular passwords and will sometimes strike lucky
Something strange has happened. I've somhow now managed to log in. When I was given 24hours I tried the reinstate option earlier and that must've worked as I've got access again.
The only problem is that I can't seem to change the alternative email address to reset the password. When I go to chage it, it gives me the same obsolete mailbox I shut down several years ago.
like any serious site hotmail does not store the unencrypted PW so the PW itself was harvested from another phishing attack. It should not take 24 hours to reset. Try logging into hotmail from a googled link with the old PW, then change straight away.
Yeah i have had 2 emails sent to me on my hotmail recently that said the same....They were very close with my password but i just hoped it was a phishing scam and deleted it
Anyway, I've managed to reinstate my password and can log back in. My only issue now is that I'm still having problems trying to add another email on for verification purposes. The address on there is obsolete and I need to change it but there is no option to do this. When I click on 'Help us to protect your account' it comes up with the old address but I can't get rid of it.
'Help us protect your account
Since you're trying to access sensitive info, you need to use a security code to verify your identity. How would you like to receive your code?'
And then an the old email address which I don't want the dode to go to.