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maggiebee | 16:24 Wed 21st Aug 2019 | Technology
9 Answers
I seem to have deleted a folder containing many photos. Is there any way I can restore them or are they lost forever. Willing to put laptop into a specialist shop if necessary.


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Are you on windows? If so, have a look in the recycle bin
Question Author
Have already done that Toorak and they don't seem to be there!
Did you maybe move the folder accidentally into another folder? If you remember the name of the folder with the photos you could do a search
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Will try that thanks
I have Windows. My PC has a program that's called This PC/File Explorer. If I call that up on the screen, I can get it to search my PC for lost/missing/hard to find files. Perhaps you could try that, if you have that.
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Thanks Toorak, I did a search and have found the folder. What a relief as there are a good few hundred photos there.
Thanks too bookbinder for your suggestion.
Glad you found it!
Now back it up.
Assuming that you've not actually deleted your photos (but simply misplaced them), run a search for *.jpg . That will find all files on your computer that end with a 'jpg' file extension.

You'll probably then see some options to click on, such as 'Documents' and 'Photos'. Try the 'Photos' one first. If that doesn't help, then repeat the search and try 'Documents' (and any other options you might see).

If you find one of your pictures, RIGHT-click on it and select 'Open file location'. That will take you to the folder where it's stored, enabling you to look in the Windows Explorer address bar to see where that folder actually is.

If you've actually deleted your images, and then take your computer into a repair shop, all they'll do is to to run some recovery software, which you can do yourself for free anyway. Download, install and run Recuva:
(There's a small risk that the download might use the same bit of space on your hard drive that your photos were on but, with the massive size of hard drives these days, it's probably a risk that can be ignored).

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