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Tubbycoates | 18:09 Thu 22nd Aug 2019 | Technology
8 Answers
Hi all,

I wonder if this is just me or others are having trouble.

I've found the above website that sells cheap tat (just what I want !).

I bought sonething this lunchtime, and since then, whenever I try to access the website again, it displays a blank page.

I've tried it on another laptop, and it is displaying ok (although I haven't tgried to do anything with it but browse).

Any ideas ?

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As far ad I can tell it comes up but since it a) wants me to accept all cookies and b) insists I log on, difficult to say more.
They've disappeared!
Same as old geezer.
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OK, thanks
Hope they haven't disappeared, I ordered a load of tat two days ago - all showing as processed in my order history.
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I had a thought. I accessed it via facebook in the first place, so I looged out of my facebook account, and tried again.

And it worked.

what a rubbish website, i thought i have a look but have this sign up thing blocking the screen, ill sign up when i see what i want.
Glad you're sorted Tubby.

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