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Should We Still Be Paying For The Sins Of Some Of Our Fore Fathers?

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anotheoldgit | 08:29 Sat 24th Aug 2019 | News
68 Answers

In fact hasn't the time now come to forget what happened so far back in history, as this sort of thing only alienates once race against another?



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As you are so keen to point out when discussing the War you so gallantly fought in, history should never be forgotten.
I’m not sure that it does set one race against another: whereas there can be bitterness with battle commemorations, most people of all races now agree the slave trade was wrong.
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Just let me correct you on thiose two points.

1/ I have never pointed out, that I fought in the War.

2/ Neither have I pointed out that history should never be forgotten.
The way I see it, it's just a university acting like a bunch of morons in an attempt to look like they are caring when anyone can see it's just failed virtue signalling.

Anyone affected by long past historic issues are not here to compensate, and once you start doing this sort of utter nonsense there is no obvious line as to where you stop.

Those in charge of Glasgow university budgets clearly to be replaced ASAP for the sake of the university.
Does it alienate? and what do you mean by "still be paying"? That implies that reparation has been made before?
OG I don't think they will be using the university budget. The article reads as though the money and payment in kind will be raised outside of the existing budget. Do universities get any support from public monies now? I am genuinely unsure.
AOG - you've never pointed out you've fought in the war?
People who've never owned slaves should pay reparations to people who've never been slaves. Genius. ;-/
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/// I’m not sure that it does set one race against another: ///

Really ???? The Black race continuously hold Whites responsible for what happened to their forefathers all those years ago, and will use every opportunity to beat us over the head for it, even though most of them would not enjoy the lifestyle that they now enjoy if their forefathers hadn't been brought over from Africa.

Just as any other race who suffered enormously way back in history they don't now continue to hold it against today's peoples.

Perhaps we should continuously blame the Italians for the slaves that the Roman Empire took from these shores or perhaps the Nordic people for the rape and pillage that they committed?
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As far as I'm aware, ANOTHEOLDGIT has often mentioned being around during WWII but has never said that he actually fought during it.

He has served in the RAF but has not said what role he had nor whether it was National Service or no.
What sins? None that can be attributed to my forefathers. My forefathers were slaves to Lord North,’Rape of the Valleys’!!
If they are raising it from outside then why tie it to repatriation ?
They would be just sullying the perception of a donation to a research centre.
And yet still be using it for a failed virtue signal.
I'd imagine if the roles were reversed and it was the white people who where enslaved, you'd be making a very different argument right now.
Oz. Ever thought about pulling your shack down, getting a loin cloth and a pointy stick and joining the Abo's in the Outback.
You'd be practising what you preach and we wouldn't have to listen to your interminable virtue-signalling botox.
That's some imagination.
There have been more white slaves than black ones, mozz.
Read a book.
Conscripted then, TCL, as I've said plenty of times.
The rules of the past apply in the past. If it was the norm to go out and grab, and hold on to whatever you could then, then no foul no claim. In particular no so called repatriations.

Today's "natives", quiet or otherwise, are born into the present world and all they can reasonably claim is the same opportunities as their fellow citizens. No free handouts because something happened to someone else in years gone by.

And no objections from those who aren't "natives" on their behalf when they've not been asked to stick their oar in, in the first place.

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