Around two months ago I was grappling with a particular car problem.
Eventually I got the car going, basically without doing anything except stubbornly trying to start the thing and ultimately it sort of gave in and ran again. However, it remained less than perfect and it was not long until it would refuse to idle, i.e. run without a foot resting on the accelerator (could be an absolute pain at non-right of way junctions). For a variety of reasons I could not see to adjusting the carburettor setting until a few days ago. It transpired the entire carburettor/air filter assembly was insecure, it could be made to wobble. The carburettor mounting flange was broken and a variable gap was allowing air to bypass the carburettor channel and get into the intake. The flange has been replaced and so far the car runs perfectly.
I cannot say whether this contributed to the earlier mysterious problem but I very much doubt that it was the main cause - I don't think the manifestation was there at that time, at least nothing like as great. Still, I offer the story as a sort of update on the original post.