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IPODs mini or nano

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hopalong | 13:38 Mon 21st Nov 2005 | Technology
2 Answers
I was thinking about buying an IPOD Nano but I read that they tend be crack easily. has any have the nano or is the mini a better option


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For durability, get an iPod mini if you can find somewhere selling them. Apple have stopped making them recently in favour of the Nano, so they'll most likely be cheaper too.

However, if you're not intening to use your nano whilst doing anything particularly violent, the nano wins hands down. It has a better battery life, is smaller and weighs less, and is second only to the shuffle in terms of portability.

I've had both a Mini and a nano. I got the nano to replace the Mini - well, just because I liked the look of it. Totally agree with bobjim1705 - the Mini is way more durable and scratch resistant. If you plan on shoving it into and out of your jeans pocket, expect it to end up with more surface blemishes than Bryan Adams.

One other thing - the Mini comes in a higher capacity version (6Gb as opposed to the largest nano which is 4Gb).

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IPODs mini or nano

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