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Haven't Done One For A While.........

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ToraToraTora | 10:50 Thu 23rd Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Which US president are you ?
I'm Nixon! - come on lefties, no porkies if you get Trump!


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Constipation is nothing to laugh about.
Abraham Lincoln
I'm Abraham Lincoln apparently. You are an unusual person - in good ways and bad. You stick to your beliefs no matter how unpopular they are. You have a strong sense of morality and refuse to let anyone pull you away from what you believe.
No, it makes you full of Shyyyt. You must suffer constantly, Jordy.
Theodore Roosevelt.

"You are brash, stubborn, and never let an obstacle get in your way. Some may find your demeanor unpleasant or overly gruff, but you don't care. You get what you want with good-old fashioned gumption and if that means some people don't like it, so be it." sic.

It got to the ‘almost done’ page and kept whirring around. I’m always a bit sus when that happens.

I’m pretty sure I would have come out as Ronnie tho.
Not me Zacs verbal diarrhoea maybe,
But you talk a lot of ##it
I think I confused it. The 'thingy' that's calculating the answer won't stop spinning. :o)
Same ^
As Togo

Nixon for me also - where do I sign up for impeachment.
I'm also Nixon, TTT - could have been worse, I suppose :-/
Abraham Lincoln...I can live with that.
Abraham Lincoln....What The Funicular!
I got Nixon too. The same as the others, except I get caught.
Mines taking forever to give me the answer, so I gave up!
I'm Calvin Coolidge.

"You are soft-spoken and modest. If you were any more sedate they'd have to check you for a pulse. You simply go about your life, quietly doing what you know to be right. You don't care if most people don't notice the contributions you make to the world. As long as you make them, that's all that matters."
Calvin Coolidge.
You would be though would't You L.I.K. to be honest I had to look him up.
I got Theodore Roosevelt

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