How do I Block an unwanted email from my in-box?...I use Outlook 2013, but I can't find the Block thingy what with all these ribbons, etc! Ta Muchly and Take Care All!
i'd also like to know the answer, i delete the same thirty or so junk mails every day, you'd think they'd get the message that i'm not interested . . .
Hi Woodelf. You need to "highlight" the particular mail sender by clicking in the check circle that is at the beginning op the unopened mail list. The Block option will then appear in the top ribbon that allows actions.
Many Thanks guys for your very quick answers - I'll get on to that link straight after this Zacs - but Togo, I've a screen reader which dunner always play fair!...but we'll see, eh!
JUst a thought. If the mail that you want to block is in your inbox rather than in the Junk file yo again can check the circle that is with the mail header. You will now see a junk option. Drop that down and you get a block option. N.B. those check circles may have a block colour filling them in or even a picture from some contacts with an initial perhaps, You can still check it to obtain your block option.
Don't know whether I've got a page reader Zacs, but I'll have a look, meantime, I think the "German" is a bit spoof-like, e.g. ve haff vays of etc, etc and when I use numpad5 and use the phonetic alphabet, all letters are English spoken, so it's going to be slow going if I can't sort it out!
Aaah! says I, with a cheeky grin, pretending not to know who Buenchico is, I wondered if you would call, but as Sod's Law would have it, I aint got anyone I want to block at the moment, but as soon as I do, I'll try out your "method"!...Many Thanks Chris...Ooops, what a giveaway!