What do you want to use it for? Videos on YouTube; you need 1080P video. Just for self-protection 780P will do and you get a lot more on a video card. I've had cheap ones (MAISI from Amazon) and fairly expensive ones (Nextbase) and there's no serious difference in the quality of video. I like to have a camera with GPS which means I can record my speed and display my output on a moving map; some say it can be used to prove you were speeding, I say it can be used to prove you weren't. . I choose to remove the card from the dashcam and copy the contents onto my computer where I keep them for a couple of months. Just think carefully what you want it for and get one which has the right features. As far as I know all of them just start recording when you turn on the ignition and stop again when you turn it off, so really no difference in how they work.