Incidentally, when I have the card out of the camera I rename the directory containing the latest photos. If you open the card on you computer you will find it contains three directories DCIM, which contains photos, PRIVATE,which contains video and MISC, which never seems to contain anything.
If you go into the DCIM directory you will find your pictures in a sub-directory called 100_PANA, or something similar. Whenever I download the photos I rename this directory to, say, 22-11-29 garden ie, today's date (year month day) followed by the subject, and then copy that directory to my PC. Next time you use the card in your camera it will automatically re-create the directory DCIM - you do NOT need to do anything to make it. When you next take the card out of your camera the DCIM directory will contain two sub-directories, 100_PANA + 22-11-29 garden. Once again rename the 100_PANA directory to reflect that day's subject. That way the pictures on your card are preserved in a separate dated directory for every photographic episode; the drawback is that you can no longer view the photos in the camera, as the camera only looks for a directory called 100_PANA.
I take video with my camera and use the same trick on my video files - PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM is the directory to rename.