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uninstall software

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mizfiesta | 14:42 Mon 26th Dec 2005 | Technology
4 Answers
I recently tried to uninstall an mp3 player to my pc. Don't know where I am going wrong but I never managed to do it. The instructions with the manual are dire and fail to explain how to install. Anyway, I now want to completely uninstall the software and any traces of it from my pc. i have already tried the install/uninstall feature through settings - control panel etc. Could I try anything else to remove all traces before I try and install it again?


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If youre using XP, have you tried restoring the syetem to a date previous to when you first added this programme - it will however remove any other programmes youve added in the meantime.
If you reinstall the software though, it should really just install itself over whats already there?
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Hi there, its windows 98 that I have. Have tried reinstalling software but now no icon appears and when I try to use the mp3 player it does not 'find' the correct driver.Help!
Hiya, what may be worth doing then is finding the folder in which the original software was installed - probably something like C/Windows/program files/mp3player ?? and then manually delating all the files in that folder - once youve done that try and reinstall again - also worth checking is that the actual mp3 software is compatible with W98, some of the newer ones may not be compatible - which is why the driver cant be found - if you check the website of the manufacturer of your MP3 player,there may be some details there about it - or if you want to let us know what make it is, ill see if I can find any other information.
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thanks alunrw for your feedback. I finally got fed up with said mp3 player and took it back to the shop for a refund. Personally I don't think it was compatible for win 98 but rather was meant for xp. but thanks for your advice - much appreciated.

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